The Modi government has finally admitted that China has occupied Indian territory in Ladakh and established two “counties” or districts. Minister of State for External Affairs Kirti Vardhan Singh informed the Lok Sabha, stating, “China has illegally occupied Indian territory in Ladakh and created two counties. However, India does not recognize these Chinese counties. India has diplomatically protested this action to China.”

In response to a written question during the Budget Session regarding whether the Modi government was aware of China’s violation of India’s sovereignty by establishing two districts in the Hotan region after occupying Indian land in Ladakh, the Minister of State for External Affairs stated, “India does not accept China’s illegal occupation of Indian territory in that region under any circumstances. China’s move to establish two districts does not alter the longstanding status of that area. Just as India does not accept any violation of its sovereignty, it also does not recognize China’s illegal administrative steps. India has strongly protested this issue through diplomatic channels with China.”

After the Galwan clash, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had stated during an all-party meeting on June 19, 2020, that China had not occupied any Indian land and that no Chinese personnel were inside Indian territory. Notably, on June 15, a brutal clash had taken place between Indian and Chinese troops in the Galwan Valley. Without using firearms or bullets, Chinese soldiers killed 20 Indian soldiers by attacking them with clubs, stones, and spiked rods. Although Chinese troops also suffered casualties, the exact number remains undisclosed.

Since then, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has repeatedly accused China of occupying large parts of Ladakh, but the Modi government consistently denied his claims. Even in Parliament, Prime Minister Modi had stated that China had not seized any Indian territory. However, the government’s latest statement now proves that the Prime Minister’s remarks in Parliament and during the all-party meeting were false.